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No Water for Tung Chung

The Water Utilities Department announced via their website at approximately 8.30 pm on Sunday 3 November that due to a burst water main measuring a whopping 1.2m in diameter, water services would be cut to the majority of Tung Chung whilst engineers worked to replace the broken pipe.

Many large water butts have been placed at strategic points around Tung Chung so affected communities still have access to potable water, and these are being swapped out very quickly once they run dry. At 9am, there were no queues and people were in good spirits whilst out using any receptacle possible to carry water back to their apartments.

Some residents were concerned when a picture was posted on the Tung Chung Tower Facebook page showing these water butts on the back of a truck warning of asbestos.

It was announced at 11 a.m. that the pipe has been fixed and that engineers are working to flush through sediment and dirt to ensure that when the water is turned on, it's safe to drink.

The water company initially stated that the water would resume at 6 am, but then moved this time back to 10 am, but many residents took to Facebook stating this was not the case. As of 1.00 pm, no water has returned to the Caribbean Coast towers.

Please ensure your taps are turned off in case the water supply resumes whilst you're not home and be reminded to run the water for a time before drinking.


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